Posts tagged student life
Student Life in the High School

We believe that students should have the opportunity to learn from and with each other, and our high school classes are set up following the Socratic model: Students engage with teachers and each other in meaningful conversations and debates across academic subjects. Many of our students forge strong friendships, but our small classes mean everyone is part of the Academy community, and students treat each other with respect and kindness.

Extracurricular activities in the high school are student-led and include everything from Latin Club to yearbook to theatre productions, depending on students’ interests each year. Many students participate in Friday extracurricular and social activities.

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Student Life at the Academy

These are the years when friendships and social networks become increasingly important to tweens, and we work hard to make community as important as academics at the Academy. Hands-on activities, projects, and presentations give students the opportunity to learn to work together. Students have an extra-long lunch break and breaks for social time throughout the day, and we encourage families to plan field trips and activities.

These are the years when friendships and social networks become increasingly important to tweens, and we work hard to make community as important as academics at the Academy. Hands-on activities, projects, and presentations give students the opportunity to learn to work together. Students have an extra-long lunch break and breaks for social time throughout the day, and we encourage families to plan field trips and activities.

Most of our current extracurricular and social activities—including drama club, prom, yearbook, movie days, etc.—came about through student initiative, so if you have a great idea for an activity, we'll be all in to help you make it a reality. Students enjoy our Friday game days, television series binges, and books clubs, which invite kids to just hang out together.

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